It's a house in the country which we are currently renting, but hope to buy soon. It's further from town, but not too far to commute. It's on 3 acres and the neighbors are cows and horses.
We kept quiet about moving, mostly because we didn't want anybody to feel obliged to help, since I feel we've used our quota of moving-house-help. Yet still some friends showed up and got stuck in (thank you).
It's been a ton of drama moving from the old place which I haven't fully recovered yet, and honestly the drama isn't fully over yet. But we'll get through.
The plan (ours, not necessarily God's) is to live here until we die. I'd like to never move house ever again if possible. We have many hopes and dreams for this place. Watch this space, I'm sure I'll be posting all about it. I'm super excited to have a place to fix up and build up and make my own.
Here is Hame'lldaeme:
View from the front
The best part - the shop!!! I'm sooo in love
Back deck
Back yard
Kitchen - much smaller than our last one. But we have big plans for this.
Dining room (this was the day we moved in and hadn't unpacked this stuff yet. It's not usually this messy!)
This is what's supposed to be the livingroom, but we're using it as a diningroom, and the finished room in the basement is our livingroom.
Livingroom with wood burning fireplace!
We got Zoe's bed in. That wasn't easy!
That's all the pics I can find for now. I'll post before and afters as we get work done.
So there it is. Our new home. I'll wake up from the post partum haze soon and wonder what we've done! But I'm happy. Maybe crazy, but happy.