Thursday, August 26, 2010

God gave me you

10 years ago today I was a naive 19 year old little girl in a white dress, drowned out by the enormity of the huge big world, clumsily feeling my way through, and making the smartest decision and commitment of my life.

Though sometimes the days have been long and hard to endure, I still struggle to accept that an entire decade has passed. I've become quite adept at presenting myself as a confidant, independent, self-sufficient woman, but most of the time I'm still just a naive little girl, making my way through and playing it by ear.

Rene, you're always looking to better yourself. You're always humble and meek, and I struggle to show those qualities. You're so forgiving and so committed to our family. And I don't tell you often enough how thankful I am for you. You are my rock. You work so hard for us, you listen to our needs and desires and set your goals upon meeting them.

I was once an emotional 16 year old, getting ready to go to Beecraigs Park with the YF, and looking forward to seeing the gorgeous long, blonde haired, handsome teenager whom I had been chasing for 3 years and who didn't even know my name. I was so full of anticipation of watching the way you move, the way you smile, the untold story behind the eyes that would sometimes briefly lock gaze with my own. The butterflies in my stomach were so familiar to me by then that I should have given each one a name. I was so mad at myself for pining away after this person who never seemed to notice me.

As I got dressed in my bedroom that day, I looked in the mirror and was horrified to find a big pimple on my upper lip, right hand side. In the mind of a teenager, this pimple obviously meant I would never be able to win your affection. I decided I had driven myself crazy with thoughts of you for too long and I needed to be released of this insanity one way or another. So I used the pimple as a fleece. I prayed to God that if you and I were meant to be together, if we would ever end up marrying, would God please make there be a pimple on your face at the same spot.

Sure enough, as I arrived at Beecraigs, there was your glorious face, right upper lip pimple and all. Identical to my own. It seemed impossible to be true, as you danced around, hopping from adoring girl to adoring girl. Everyone was won over by your charm and I was just the quiet, quirky one in the corner. But I believe God chose us for each other. And eventually you found me.

And now here we are, celebrating 10 years of fumbling our way through life together. We've brought forth 5 little lives from our love, and are still carving and crafting our 6th. We've suffered horrendous loss and tragedy. We've seen our efforts result in many successes and many failures. We've moved across the ocean to start a new life with naught, and have gained much. I have no idea what God has in store for us as we face the next decades ahead, but I'm sure there will be more mountains as well as valleys, storms as well as sunshine. And I'm so glad that I don't have to go through any of it alone, because God gave me you....


Rene said...

I got as far as the third paragraph before the tears got the better of me. I love you, and Im so beyond being able to express how glad I am that God gave me you. xxx

JayLeigh said...

This made me cry! How truly beautiful!! And how cool about the pimples and the way God answered your prayer! Congratulations!! ♥

DJ said...

Beautiful post, Niecey. Happy Anniversary. xo

lady mommy said...

Amazing post, very heartfelt. Happy anniversary to a beautiful couple!

MrsW said...

You are making the interwebtubes all soggy you two - cut it out before we all get electrocuted! :)

Michelle M. said...

This is such a beautiful post and slideshow. You two are very fortunate to have found one another- such love!