Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A couple of Halloween specials for ya!!

My big girls have been busy planning and putting together their webshows for Halloween.

I love this week's iKaya. Some amusing segments and some impressive talents. There's even a wardrobe change in this one. And of course, Daddy was subject to a little embarrassment as usual.

And here is iStormy. Usually all the post production is done by Uncle Doug. But I put together this iStormy and it shows hehe. The beginning credits are still done by my brother, and I used his clips for transitions and the theme song etc. I'm new to this so go easy on me. :)
Lana was certainly very enthusiastic this time. Lots of energy.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My favorite time of day

Yes I'm talking about when the kids go through to bed. But no, I don't mean for obvious reasons (a little peace and quiet!).

My favorite part of the day is sending the kids off to bed. Because it's all about unconditional love. We have this routine, the kids come to me for kisses (usually 5 kisses but sometimes they ask for double) and cuddles and prayers and sometimes I sing their individual songs, or the chorus of them.

For the record, Kaya's song is "Heaven Is Missing An Angel" by 98 degrees.
Lana's is "Baby You Belong" by Faith Hill
Zoe's is "Sweet, sweet baby" by Michelle Featherstone
Turtle's is "The Heart of Life" by John Mayer
And for baby Ally, I've been singing "I Will Not Take My Love Away" by Matt Wertz

So we do their kisses and cuddles, prayers and sometimes songs. And I send them off to the room where Daddy reads them stories 'til they fall asleep. And my favorite part is, no matter what kind of a day we've had, no matter how hormonal I've been, or what kind of ups and downs we've had, we always say the same phrase as they trot off to their bedroom, "Sleep tight, sweet dreams, see you in the morning good night, I love you". And for the next 5 minutes they continue to shout, "I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!" from the bedroom.

How many people, after a hard, emotional, draining day, get to hear 4 sweet, little voices shouting, "I LOVE YOU!!!" for 5 minutes from the room next door? It's always enough to make me smile and remember that I really am loved unconditionally by those kids. And I want to earn it. It's very motivating. And very special. I don't take it for granted.