Saturday, August 30, 2008

Birthdays everywhere

So yesterday was Heather's birthday, and it was also my brother, Doug's 30th birthday!
Zoe got plenty practise yesterday at singing the Happy Birthday song, and was still in the spirit this morning.

Here she is singing, "Happy to you, Happy to you"

Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, my angel, Heather

Seven years ago today, I woke up in a maternity hospital in Glasgow, nervously awaiting my husband to come join me. I had been having mild contractions all night from the gel they had given me to ripen my cervix for induction.

Rene finally arrived and I was so happy to see him. Eventually I was sent through to the labor ward to be induced. I was young, naive, nervous, excited and intimidated. They broke my water and put me on pitocin.

Things got crazy very fast, I had a failed epidural attempt, the baby's heart rate started to drop and I was threatened with a c-section. But not long afterwards I got the urge to push and I was fully dilated. I pushed pretty darn hard and she flew out.

I remember them placing her on my tummy right away and I was instantly in love, before I even knew she was a girl. Her little body was so slippy and I was so scared I wouldn't be able to hold on to her. I immediately felt so protective of her, she was my little baby, I was her mother, she needed me, I felt so important and on top of the world. THIS was what I had waited for my whole life. Suddenly everything was worth while, suddenly everything made sense, suddenly I understood so much about God's love for us.

I will never ever forget that moment. What an incredible moment. Such a tiny little bundle, meant so incredibly much to me. I am so thankful for that moment. For that memory and for the 10 weeks that followed. I will hold on to them with everything I have. Please God, don't ever let those memories fade.

I find it so hard to believe she would have been 7. I can't even begin to imagine what she'd have been like. What her interests would have been, would she have been feminine and girly, like Lana, or boisterous, like Kaya? I'll never know. But I do believe I got a glimpse of her beautiful spirit while she was here, and that's what I'll get to see again one day.

That's the part that lives on and waits for me with God. The part of her I knew, not the 7 year old who feels like a stranger to me, but the little Sparkle Queen girl, with eyes that gazed adoringly back into mine. The little princess who I felt was my best friend while we hung around the house together just us two while Daddy was at work. The precious little happy girl who thought it was the funniest thing ever when she yawned and then I yawned afterwards, or when she'd sneeze while lying down and it would fall back on her face like a sprinkler.

Man I love her so much. And I sure do miss her. Happy Birthday my Peach.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Zoe blow bubbles

Please excuse the obnoxiously loud tv in the background.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dressing Up

Zoe loves to go raid her sisters' drawers and pull out their clothes then bring them to me to put them on her. Here she has 2 shirts and 3 pairs of trousers on.

How Kaya's birthday went

Thought I'd finally post something about her birthday.

We had a fun day. I had hidden Kaya's 5 presents around the house and she went for a hunt for them, then drew a photo of the present beside the number after opening.

Then she opened some from Grammy and Grandpa and Stewart and Pam (she was sooo spoiled!)

Then we made an elmo cake, and kaya decorated it.

After that we went to the children's museum with our friends and had a great day.

Kaya got a new digital camera! So I'm sure I'll be posting some of her photos on here in future.

Then yesterday we went to the Omaha Zoo with Kaya's friend Christopher, to celebrate her birthday. It was a big day, the time just flew past, it was only in the 80s, but with little cloud cover and it felt so much hotter. We didn't get round the whole zoo but we had tons of fun. And we sure slept well last night.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

All good things must come to an end

I had so much fun with our friends from Scotland. They had to leave today and I'm feeling rather sad and gloomy. Zoe keeps saying "bye bye baby, all gone" Then giving me her bear and blanket to make me feel better.

These guys are such wonderful people and I'm so thankful they were able to come visit with us. Great memories. Everyone should have friends like these. Guys, I miss you already.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Kaya

Can't believe my little baby girl is 6 years old today! She drives me crazy sometimes, but I love her so completely amd she makes me so very proud.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Visitors from Scotland

Our friends Stweart and Pam are set to arrive here sometime from Scotland, with their daughter Kailey and their new baby boy, Josh. I can hardly wait. So if I'm not online as much it's because I'm busy having fun! I'll fill you all in afterwards.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Note to self

101 degree weather, walking around Lincoln Children's zoo for a few hours and being 34 weeks pregnant don't mix together too good. I still can't cool down and it was yesterday!

Ah sisterly love