Thursday, September 18, 2008

Announcing the arrival of

He was 11 days late but made up for it with a very speedy delivery. I had an incredible homebirth experience, it all went perfect. Baby is healthy, so am I. He's nursing well (can't believe I had a boy! so much for mother's intuition).

I'll post more about the birth story later. Got to rest and enjoy my babymoon now.


Miss S. said...

Congratulations Denise & Rene! You're going to love having a little boy!!! He's beautiful!

Kinsleys5 said...

HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats you guys!! We are so so excited for you. How crazy is that - A BOY!!!! :-)

Info for you said...

Congrats!!! He is so cute! :)

Anonymous said...

OH Neicey he is just beautiful!!!

Diane Rooney said...

Oh congratulations to all of you! Oh my goodness, I'm so excited for you... well done, Denise..! Can't wait to hear all about your birth story. And a little boy after those 4 little girls.. amazing.

Morgan said...

Congratulations, Niecey!!!! A boy!!! That is so exciting... and he is beautiful! Can't wait to hear what the girls think about a baby brother. :)

Pam said...

Congratulations!! Thrilled for you and your family!

Info for you said...

Thanks for the email!!! I sent ya one when you get a free sec ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He's adorable! Can't believe you're so calm - even the idea of going thru that scares me silly!

Fab news!