Your partner will be able to be an active participant in the labor process as
he/she follows the progress of the partogram on the screen next to your
Early decision making - Precipitous and non-progressing labor may be detectedIn other words, we'll be able to whisk them off for a c-section faster, which puts the mother at 2-4 times greater risk of dying in childbirth. Currently, about 1 in 3 babies are being delivered via c-section in the USA, and our newborn death statistics don't seem to indicate that this is helping save many lives.
earlier and appropriate actions taken for improved outcome
Staff time spent on digital examinations is potentially utilized better
elsewhere. Better use of personnel resources leads to cost reduction and more.
Ah, so we can make labor even more impersonal. Leave the lady in the room strapped to machines alone with her husband there to watch the machine screen and the Drs and midwives can spend time doing other things instead of supporting or comforting the couple. Don't you just love progress like this?
Support tool during litigation- BirthTrack provides full documentation of
cervical dilatation and fetal head descent during the labor process
It's all about the law suit.
The site also states
you need to realize that the system will not collect information on the progress
of labor while you are walking
Women will be strapped down in bed for this to be effective. Waters will be broken which increases the chance of infection and the risk of cord prolapse. Then the mother is lying down through labor, which doesn't allow gravity to help bring the baby's head down, the very thing this machine is designed to monitor! And if the head is not coming down it could potentially inhibit dialation of the cervix, the other thing this is set up to monitor.
Yet I'm sure the machine will catch on. It makes about as much sense as some of those other machines they currently use. Why not.
If something is disgusting, it can be described in Scotland as being boggin'. Here in the USA one would be likely to say "eeeeeeewwww that's gross", whereas the Scots person may say "that's pure boggin'".
We used it a lot when describing the flavor of something we found distasteful. Boiled cabbage from the school cafeteria for example. One could also describe something smelly like spilled sewage all over the kitchen floor as being "pure boggin'".
I think you get the general idea. Go on, fit it into a sentance this week. We'll make good Scots folk of you all yet.