Monday, August 17, 2009

The monkeys and me with a new look

My wonderful husband stayed up late getting it to work, because I designed it all wrong in terms of pixel sizes etc. I had hoped it could plop on top of the old design. Anyway he got it all working. Lemme know what you think, and if it's not working on your browser etc, let me know too so I can try to do something about it.

I at least wanted some sort of pic of me with dreads in it. So I'm happy with that.

And thanks Rene for your dedication! You're too kind, and I'm sorry about the late night! I'll make it up to you (I'm talkin' home made tapioca pudding with homemade strawberry jam, baby. Maybe I'll even throw a curry in there too. Well, not in with the pudding, that would be gross. But on a separate plate, at the same meal time. Ok this has got too long for parenthesis..)


Rene said...

I suddenly find myself with an appetite.

I love you darling....

MrsW said...

Working great in Firefox (and I love it).

I wish my man would work so hard for a school dinner pudding :)

Actually he might for a jam roly poly...

Tracy said...

It looks great!

DJ said...

Mmmm - I'd do pretty much anything for homemade tapioca pud with homemade strawbberry jam, too!

ARK said...

LOVE it!!

lady mommy said...

When I read a post on here earlier I saw the new look. I noticed right away you with the dreds and I love it! I'm sorry It took so long to get it to work but it was well worth it. You did a great job! The only trouble I ever have is it takes forever to load, but it did that before too so I don't think there's much that can be done about it. I love the changing pictures the best. :)

septembermom said...

It really looks terrific!

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

As I've said somewhere on here, I just love it. I especially love the image of you with the camera. That's just the coolest!! Well, that and the scrolling images. Oh and the little kid characters. Oh, and the new cursive labels along the top. Okay, I can't pick a favorite part. All joking aside, it's all so lovely, just like you!

Kinsleys5 said...

Yay! Glad the Scottish Word of the Week has it's own subheading. That will make it easy for my mom to find when she looks for them (to show all her friends of course, lol!). But tsk tsk, I think it's time for a new one! You have a large following in New York, you know.