Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Saturday afternoon, I sat down to write a grocery list, we were planning to leave right after to do the shopping. It takes me about an hour to write the list (I am trying to plan a diverse, wholesome, tasty weekly menu using mostly whole foods, vegetarian and also on a tight budget. It takes some planning to make it work!) By the time I had finished the list I had muscle aches, chills, a sinus headache and felt dizzy. Not just because I hate grocery shopping, but because I was fast coming down with an infection.

I went straight to bed where I pretty much stayed until today. Rene took the day off yesterday, he wasn't feeling good either, plus he helped take care of us. I'm still feeling pretty rough, but was at least up and about today. Poor Lana though, she had it for a couple days before I got it and is still extremely ill.

Anyway, enough moaning. I went to a concert on Thursday night, back when I still felt great! I had an awesome time. It was one of my favourite bands, Vota (previously called casting pearls), who I loved when we lived in Scotland, they were one of the first bands I ever paid for music to put on my ipod. I love them. Then I discovered last year they were from Lincoln, NE. Woah. Then recently I learned they are from my church!! I often see the lead singer picking up his kids from the same Sunday school as me, and I'm standing right next to him, feeling star struck. It's soooooooo cool.
Anyway they were the support band. And they were awesome.

And then the main act was David Crowder Band. I've always thought they were okish, wrote good material but I wasn't blown away by the band itself. But I was very impressed with their live performance. Such an awesome atmosphere in that place, so worshipful. It really enjoyed it.


snobound said...

So sorry to hear you're all sick out there. Praying for a speedy recovery.

Jennifer said...

I love you blog...

Quick question...How do you maximize the blogging space with smaller margins? If you look at my blog the main area is narrow so I have to post smaller photos. I have the minima template...It seems to be the same layout as your setup but you have a lot more space, is there a way to change that?

oooh another question...
What kind of editing program do you use on your photos?

Kinsleys5 said...

Very cool -- was the concert held at Berean? I haven't been in the church since they built the new bigger sanctuary. Looks like it's good sized if that's where this is!

lislynn said...

I can't believe I didn't notice before that you're a homebirther! Doyou have your birth stories on your blog somewhere? I'd love to read... I've had two home-water-births and worked with a hb midwife for five years before I married and had kids of my own.

William said...

I should really tell you the funny story about Chelsea, the David Crowder band in Edinburgh!