Friday, March 28, 2008

getting ready to move

We've been offered a house, and have gone to see it. It's 1250 sq ft, so a little smaller than the one we're in just now, but it has a full basement, which is unfinished but will be able to be used for a music room, play room for the kids and storage. So that will free up some space upstairs.

There's no dining room, just a small eat in kitchen, and I'll definitely miss that.

What I like most about it - the livingroom windows look out onto the back yard, which has a large hill/park just behind it. We're very close to the playground. It's $210 a month cheaper than what we're paying now! The fridge is bigger and there's a dishwasher. The utilities are lower and there's central air conditioning (we're using window units just now which just don't do the job the same).

We're moving on April 25th, or probably the Sat afterwards, the 26th since that will work better for most of our helpers.

I'm looking forward to getting out of this big old house. It's not well insulated and cost us a fortune in utilities. And its so tilted you have to hold on to your platre while you eat so it doesn't slide off the table. It'll be nice to live somewhere level!

So we're boxing things up and starting the packing. We're going to have to get rid of a bunch of stuff to squeeze it all into the new place. It's good fun though, and would be more fun if we didn't all have colds...

This was a boring post wasn't it? Sorry to sound so boring today.

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