Monday, April 20, 2009

Earth Day Booth

There was this really cool Earth Day even in Lincoln yesterday. We went along to support Nebraska Friends of Midwives who had a booth there.

I was in awe at the multitasking skills of some of the women who were able to nurse their babies in slings while educating the public at their booths and tending to their toddlers at the same time.

I was lucky enough to have Rene there with me to help with the kids so I was able to stay focused. I am an introvert, and the talking bit was scary, and I hope I didn't scare too many people off. But I eventually got into it and was having a great time talking to people about midwives and birth options and legislation in Nebraska. We met some very cool people.

Here's Sen Haar, the awesome senator who sponsored the bill this year which would allow CNMs to attend homebirths (only NE and Alabama don't allow this). So far the bills are still sitting in committee, for who knows how long.

And the kids were cute.

1 comment:

Keri said...

Kids where cute? What the heck... they are adorable! Love those silly, precious, little faces. Awesome photos.