Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I had such a terrible day today...

April Fools. hehe. I had a great day really. It just seems that everyone in the blogosphere is April Foolsing today and I thought I'd honor that.

After pancakes for breakfast (I should post the recipe sometime, it's my fav pancake recipe ever - yummy, fluffy pancakes), Kaya and I were looking out the window, watching loads of ground squirrels frolicking around in the yard, and the woodpeckers working away at the neighbour's tree.

We decided to try to take some photos of them. The woodpecker flew away, and I got frustrated because I just could not get a good pic of the ground squirrel. I've been trying to since last year. This was the best I could get this morning.

We put away our cameras and played Cinderella for a while, with Lana. I was the fairy Godmother, Lana was Cinderella, and Kaya was the handsome prince. Zoe was just the person who keeps stealing the broom/horse thing and making Cinderella scream.

After the game, we got our shoes and socks on and headed out to the clothing exchange (read free clothes and nick nacks) at Lincoln Berean. I got a new poncho that is lovely.

Then we went out to the park where we had a picnic and played for a few, tiring hours.

Lots of running around, lots of laughing, lots of fun.

I was pleased to see there were ground squirrels at this park, and they were much more co-operative with the camera!

I'm always in a good mood when I get the shot I was hoping for.
Kaya's out tonight at her drama class, followed by a pizza party. She's going to sleep well tonight for sure.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those ground squirrel pictures are GREAT! (By the way, in Texas, we call those chipmunks!)