Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Stuff I Miss About Scotland - Part 3 (I think it's 3)

I miss crumpets. I've never seen them here. Mmm all that spongy goodness with melted butter.

I have found a good recipe for potato scones. I made them with instant mash but I bet they'd be loads better with real mashed tatties. That's what I'll try next time. To be honest, I like them better than crumpets anyway.


Rene said...

Gosh thinking about crumpets makes me hungry.... all that butter, dripping off the top.... oh heaven!

snobound said...

We could get them at a few grocery stores in Maine and Canada, and they have them here as well. They are in the deli section by the baked goods and not with the regular bread section. They are good with loads of butter and black current jam....mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!

Niecey said...

Hmmm I haven't tried looking in the deli section. I'll try

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

they look sort of like "english muffins." they are probably not the same, but maybe it's worth a try. have you tried those? you can get them in with the bread.