Friday, June 12, 2009

Too sweet

I was crouching down to help Zoe whisk up some eggs, and Turtle spotted me from across the room. He got a look of determination and started speed crawling along the floor, as though he were in the Olympics.

I assumed he wanted to get over and start pulling things and destroying things, baby style. But he didn't touch the bowl or the whisk, or our hands or anything we were busy using. He crawled right over to me, and planted a big kiss on my knee, grinned at me then chuckled as he crawled off to do something else.

What a wee charmer!


lislynn said...

Awwww.... Moments like that make it all worthwhile, right? And so the human race goes on another generation ;)

Suki said...

This sounds so sweet! :)

Angela said...

Hey Denise.. long time no "see" :).. and your family has grown again I see... a very belated congrats, the new additions sounds like a little cutie too :)