Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Check him out

My baby boy covered in strawberry juices at the berry patch, signing for a diaper change.


Jo said...

OH MY GOSH...that is absolutely precious.

lislynn said...

He is sooo Adorable! *sigh* You're giving me the baby urge again... J will hunt you down! Two is enough for him, he says, especially after the whole IF drama. :)

Michelle M. said...

How adorable!!!

Kinsleys5 said...

You're so brave letting your kids get right into wearing their food. It's so cute & makes for great pictures! I'm not brave enough -- I would freak out if Madison got that messy -- but I'm glad you don't! ;-) hehe

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

Precious! We're enjoying teaching sign to our munchkins, too. It's amazing how quickly they start communicating, eh?

I wish we had a berry patch here. Looks like messy FUN!!

Niecey said...

Ah, Christa, there's no reason to fear it. It all wipes off faces and surfaces. Sure, sometimes clothing gets stained, but that's why we buy then for a quarter a piece at yard sales. Childhood is all about getting messy. :)

Suki said...

He's s cute.
Only a dirty child is a happy child.
Love how he's signing!

Kinsleys5 said...

Haha, true!! But see?! Now I miss those good ol' 99 cent Goodwill sales even more!! ;-)

Darn it, can I just say again what an adorable little boy you have?! ;-) Man he's cute...

Niecey said...

You can say it as many times as you want :) I know I'm supposed to be all modest or whatever. But I think he's cute too! I can't just lie about it. Yanno?

To be honest, these days I'm too cheap even for the 99c goodwill sales. The Lincoln Berean does a clothing exchange where you can get clothes for free, once a month. It's all laid out on tables like a yard sale, but a free one. And I rarely pay more than 75c at a yard sale for clothes. Unless it's something super cute. I paid a whopping $4 for Kaya's pink cowgirl boots, which I think was totally worth it. But I did cringe handing over 4 whole crisp green notes. Stingy? Me? No way.

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

Me, too, Niecey! I used to love Goodwill before we moved to a place that didn't have one. We bought everything there. Then up here it's all garage sales and rummage sales where everything's .25 or so. I'm astonished at how much more we save when we don't go through big corporations for used stuff.